Legal Documents

Invest M provides a safe and ethical trading environment to all of its clients and partners. Find out more about the legal documents which govern our relationship and download any documents of interest, with ease.

Client Agreement

Client Agreement

The Client Agreement defines the rules that govern the relationship between InvestM and the Client.

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

The cookie policy is the document in which you explain to your users everything your website does with cookies.

Introducing Broker Agreement

Introducing Broker Agreement

The Introducing Broker Agreement defines the rules that govern the relationship between InvestM and the Introducing Broker

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Protecting the privacy and safeguarding the personal and financial information of Invest M clients and website visitors is one of our highest priorities. The following Privacy Statement explains how we collect and protect your information.

Regulation Document

Regulation Document

As a licensed derivative broker under the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC), we adhere to all laws and regulations while maintaining the highest professional standards.

Risk Disclosure Statement

Risk Disclosure Statement

This document addresses the risks associated with trading the financial markets.

Terms of Business

Terms of Business

A terms of business agreement sets out the terms on which a business provides goods or services to its customers.